Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Gift of Multilocation

Kitten seems to be blessed with the gift of bilocation: the ability of being in more than one place at a time. How else can one explain that in the time it took me to feed Muffin his breakfast Kitten found the time to write his name (yeah!) in pencil all up and down the stairway walls and on his playroom door, empty all 40 boxes of my summer shoes (yes yes I know that is way too many shoes to own but that will be th esubject of another post), unravel 2 cassette tapes, and upturn my jewelry drawer????

Ok some maybe he is gifted with multilocation because I don't think bilocation would quite cut it in this case?

Yes I am having a tough morning. Espen is away for 8 days and Kitten always acts out in the first few days, but this is more than he has ever done in the past.

In a way I feel kind of bad for Kitten, because I know he really didn't do any of it out of anger or to hurt anyone. I guess he was just "exploring" his world. I am even proud that he was able to spell his name correctly and recognizibly one 3 occasions. I just wish it wasn't on our walls and a wooden door. Luckily it is in pencil, now I just have to find an erasure and pray that I don't damage anything removing his signature.

I did give Kitten a wipe an made him scrub the pencil off and he did manage to remove a lot of it. I also insisted that he tell me why we aren't to write on any walls, or floors, or anything that is not paper and sanctioned by a grown up!

Then we put back all of the shoes in their boxes.

My jewelry box I will have to deal with when both kids are napping though it doesn't seem that anything is missing.

In a way I am happy that Espen is away because I don't think he would have taken it very well. Hopefully by the time he finds out it will only be a cute story with no consequences.

I had told him that if he were good today that we would go for a walk with Muffin and maybe check out the "ice cream" place. Of course he definitely has NOT been good but I am still dying for ice cream. I think that is one of the things I find the hardest about parenting: that YOU always end up punishing yourself for the sake of your kids.

And yes when Kitten will be rolling on the ground saying he wants ice cream, in my heart and head I will be right there beside him wanting to scream: me too!

I still wonder how anyone can produce so much mischief in so little time! Are all little kids able to be in multiple places at once and do we lose this ability as we grow? I do wish I could be in more than one place at once as I am sure all mothers do.

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