Friday, April 4, 2008

The best birthday ever!

I had the best birthday ever yesterday!

Of course I got woken up at an ungodly hour by Kitten but he did stay the entire night in his bed so that was ok. He was just too excited and wanted to give me a perfume that he picked out (with Espen's help). It was the Poison Midnight that I have been wanting for a very long time (I usually wear Tendre Poison and am a total Dior girl).

After that the day just kept getting better. First of all it was absolutely gorgeous outside and we actually reach 10°C in the sun for the first time this year!

My favorite restaurant which had been closed for close to a year suddenly reopened under a new incarnation (same chef, different location and furnishings). Now I am a complete Ethiopian food addict and have been craving it ever since it closed. Dh took me there on a wonderful date on my birthday's eve and we set up a take out order for the next day. The chef prepared all my favorites just like he used to. It was absolutely awesome.

And no I did not end up getting a "boy" cake. Felix picked out a cake with a dancing Sleeping Beauty and her Prince (funny how the men in fairy tales never have names ). I will write more on the cake story tomorrow! He said I was a princess and that I was beautiful. I think that was the first time he said it to me. It just melted my heart!
One of my friends that has had a very difficult year and experienced a loss I couldn't even fathom just announced yesterday that she was expecting again. That was simply the best news! You cannot imagine how happy that made me.

The electronic community I belong to also seems to be coming together again after some bumpy times and that is also a wonderful gift for which I am so very grateful.

As far as presents go, Espen and my best friend went a little overboard: they got me the Kitchen Aid Professional 600 stand mixer for which I have been pining for over a year.

But that's not all, it turns out Espen bought it in the US when he was in DC last week-end because of course it is so much cheaper on but doesn't ship anything but books to Canada. So he had it shipped to his hotel the week before he was going there with his Dad for a father and son bonding trip.

The kicker is that the plan was on Sunday to spend the day at the Dulles airport airplane museum (or something like that) because they are both airplane freaks before they boarded their plane back to Montreal. Well Espen shows up there with this huge box (15"X12"X17" and weighing over 31 lbs!!!!). The box did not fit the lockers they had at the entrance of the museum and security refused to "babysit" the box.

The only thing they offered Espen was to lend him a wheel chair so that he could carry the box with his. Now the image of that just had me rolling on the floor laughing. Espen really used all his problem skills though to try to engineer another "more dignified solution".

He took the mixer, attachment, styrofoam packing material out of the box, stuffed them into a locker and then pleaded with security to "babysit" the empty box which they begrudgingly agreed to do after much pleading.

Isn't that a great story? I am just so in love with Espen. I just love him so much, especially since he has given me the bestest presents ever over the past 4 years: Kitten and Muffin. I really feel that our family is really coming together now and that is probably what makes my days so very extraordinary, not just yesterday but every morning I wake up.
My best friend also got me a gorgeous jelwelry set which prompted all the "you are beautiful mommy" comments from Kitten.
Oh and Muffin, with all his 7 months of life, was also extreemely giving yesterday if you know what I mean ;-)
I am just so very blessed! I'm not sure how anything could ever beat this day!

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