Thursday, March 26, 2009

And now what?

I stepped on the scale this morning... 120.5lbs

That's half a pound away from my goal weight.

I am really happy. Sure it's not as impressive as what some of my friends are accomplishing in this area but I am happy. It means that my hard work is paying off. I feel better both physically and psychologically.

I fit in my pre-Kitten clothes now! Woohoo! I was actually 122lbs when I got pregnant with him.

But now what? Do I set another goal?

118lbs? Maybe... 115lbs? hum....

I know that at 110lbs I look like a lollipop, big head on a stick. That does not look good it looks funny. I don't want to look funny.

On the other hand I don't want to dance my little victory dance and just lost all the good habits I have worked to integrate into my life. I enjoy working out. I do enjoy the feeling at the end of the day when I have gotten an awesome nutrition quotient from the food tracking software I am using.

So what do I do... just track without a goal? Do I aim for a truly low expectation goal like a 2 lbs loss over 12 months? Do I keep at it but indulge a little more frequently?

What do people do once they reach their weight goal? What's next?

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