Monday, January 7, 2008

Only in Womanland

Only 2 women could have the following conversation:

Woman #1: Happy New Year! How have you been?

Woman #2: Actually I had the worse stomach flu: I lost 7 lbs in the past 2 days.

Woman #1: Wow! That's great. I wish I could have caught it.

One of the most popular New Year's resolutions is to lose weight. Of course it is one of mine too: to try to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight... that would be the weight I weighed before Kitten was born, though I would be happy if I can be back to my pre-Muffin weight before our beach vacation in May.

Yes I did have a small bout of a stomach flu over the holidays and was very grateful since it did help me lose 4 lbs very rapidly. I mean honestly what's a little pain and discomfort when it gives that kind of result. It certainly has advantages over sweating it out at the gym or starving yourself on yet another salad: it has quick results and you don't have to do much apart from lie around and not do much (ok so maybe not the easiest with a 3.5 year old and a 4 month old but still). Maybe I should start a company: Lose weight fast: Send now for a sample to contaminate yourself with a benign gastrointestinal virus. Garanteed results in 24 hours!

However disturbing that may be I know quite a few friends who would probably jump at the opportunity... including the friend above with whom I had a conversation this morning ;-)

Happy New Year!

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